Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love Day#5 Sincerity

To be free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness. To be genuine. To be pure. Yup, that pretty much sums it up. I love and appreciate when people are sincere. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it's edifying. Sometimes it's liberating. Sometimes it's silly. Sometimes it's surprising. Sometimes it's humorous. Regardless, I love it. I feel valued to know that someone took the time to be real with me. Actually, I feel special to know that they trust me enough to say "you know what, I know we're cool, that's why I need to be honest with you". Now, don't get me wrong, there have been moments where people have "shared" things with me that have left me with the "No you just didn't say that" taste in my mouth. I'd call that type of sharing something else, not sincerity. But I won't spend too much time on negative stuff's love month, and I want to share the love if you know what I'm saying. So yeah, not only do I like it when others are sincere with me, I love being sincere with others. When I share with others, I want it to be free of deceit, hypocrisy, falseness. I want my words to be genuine and pure. That's my intent whenever I open my mouth to speak. Notice I said INTENT. Sometimes, I allow stress to get the best of me and BLAH! Whoa, there it went. Most of the time I catch myself and apologize, but this part here is totally off the topic and I'm still paying my therapist for these sessions (lol, that there be a joke). Man, it's hard to be serious sometimes. Where was I going with all of this? Ah yes. I was about to thank all those sincere people who do so to better a situation, or maybe a relationship. All those who's true intent is to edify or restore. All those who do it in love. Thank you. Seriously, Thank you.

Now, there you have it. I never knew my little ole blog could be so amusing to so many of my friends and family but guess what? It is! I've gotten several emails asking me when I was going to post todays "love post". How special is that? Also, I have been told that I went from loving on my hubby and kids, then my camera? Hello! Don't you people know me? It's hard for me to be serious for to long. I need humor to break the tension. PLUS! I said in the bottom of my first love post that I would be sharing more "serious, silly, and random love stuff". Come on people, stay with me here! Lets keep up. From the looks of it my audience likes the mooshy and sentimental stuff so, I'll try and post more of those but, they can't all be mooshy. Too much moosh is just...mooshy!

Hasta tomorrow!

OH WAIT! Shout out to my little niece Ms. Evelyn! Today is her 8th Bday. She is in Orlando celebrating with Mickey so you know she's not missing us one bit! I love you Eveliny! Thank you for being the most entertaining little girl in my life. I wish you love, joy, and health today and always. God Bless you mamasita.


Anonymous said...

Don't pay attention to those mushy stuff lovers! I love your humor!

Ady said...

Girl you and I are always on the same page... I love the mixture because that's what life is all about. OOOhhhh can you find a topic for next month because I'm loving the "LOVE" for February. Happy Birthday Evelyn..

Damaris said...

What a great post. I loved it.